It's Time To Take Back Your Life

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Which is the healthier diet?

Vegan vs Keto, or somewhere in the middle?

I don’t know about you, but this is the most confusing part of trying to decide which eating plan to follow in my new journey to a healthier lifestyle. I have been on both a vegan diet and a keto diet, and achieved significant weight loss on both. My concern comes with a high fat Keto diet and what effects it will have on my systemic health, especially my cardiovascular system. Then, there is the concern of some limiting factors on a vegan diet like like B12, protein, not to mention increased fructose intake.

If you look at the photo above, you realize the animals in that picture are notably some of the strongest (if not the strongest) animals on this earth, and they don’t eat meat. That’s right, they are fully powered by plants! Common sense would tell you they ALL can’t have it wrong. Right?

I looked up vegan plant-based athletes to see what I could find. What I found were some jaw dropping stories. Some of the world’s greatest record holders in every sport are vegan, and their stories are incredible. Below are just a few of those stories. You can find them in weightlifting, skiing, surfing, race car, cycling, swimming, NFL, NBA and NBA and just about every sport you can think of.

Just a few vegan athletes

Ruth Heidrich – Is one of the most impressive stories I’ve read. She was a marathon runner who was diagnosed with Stage IV Breast Cancer. She was given a death sentence. She refused all chemo, radiation, and hormone blockers and sought the guidance of Dr. John McDougall, MD.

McDougall is a functional medical doctor, who placed her on a strict vegan diet and exactly two years from the date of her diagnosis, she not only beat her cancer into submission, but she completed her first Kona Ironman Triathlon, becoming the first vegan and cancer survivor to do so.

At 86, she went on to complete five more Ironman competitions. She holds over 900 trophies, 8 gold medals in the U.S. Senior Olympics. She has competed in 67 marathons to include Boston, New York and Moscow, and all while powered by plants!

Fiona Oakes – British runner and vegan since the age of six. She has completed 50 marathons and holds four world records. She holds the world record in an event where she ran 7 marathons on all seven continents, and took the fastest aggregate time. All, powered by plants.

Carl Lewis – is a track and field superstar and has been vegan since 1990. He won eight world championships titles and nine Olympic gold medals. It is difficult to deny the power of plants when you look at his story.

Pat Reeves – British runner, turned power lifter. At age 32, she was diagnosed with a terminal genetic cancer (14 brain tumors). She adopted a vegan diet, and her cancer went into remission, there was no evidence of tumors remaining.

In 1982 she took up powerlifting and began to compete. In 2019, she was told she had three months to live, due to a car accident that left her with crushed lungs and pulmonary fibrosis. She has refused to submit to the disease, still power lifting at age 76 and still breaking her own records.

Scott Jurek – Named one of the greatest runners of all time. Scott eats a plant-based diet and has given it credit for some of his greatest wins. Although there are too many to list, he holds the world record for running the 2189 mile Appalachian Trial Run. Not a run for the faint at heart. Scott has won over twenty-four marathons to date.

A personal account

I spoke with a woman that was diagnosed with terminal metastatic cancer from a prominent medical facility in California. The doctors told her she had just months to live and to get her affairs in order. She moved back to Texas to be closer to family. She refused all treatments, went fully vegan (specifically 100% organic) and exercised 8 hours a day as a spin class instructor. She only drank Fiji water and changed to all natural products in her environment.

After six months, she went to an area oncologist to get additional scans. She wanted to see if her efforts were paying off. The doctors could not fine a trace of any tumors left in her body. The doctors looked on with disbelief and asked her what protocol she was using to cure her cancer. Her response, “I am vegan”. They all scratched their heads in disbelief. Plant power once again.

I don’t know about you, but I am seeing a common thread in these accounts.

Cancer + vegan + exercise + positive attitude = cancer remission (in some incidents)

Not all people find these kind of results. I lost my mother to cancer, so I understand not all stories have happy endings. There are an estimated 2 million new cancer diagnosis each year, and over 608,570 deaths that are attributed to cancer alone. For some, it’s a second chance. For others, it is a death sentence.

My personal journey

In 2019, I was diagnosed with Stage III Metastatic Triple Negative Cancer. This was an extremely aggressive cancer. I was thrust into the conventional therapies of multiple chemotherapies, and radiation, and surgery, but fell short and could not finish either therapy due to complications. This was before I knew about a plant-based diet and the effects in can have assisting cancer patients overcome their disease. It didn’t really matter, I didn’t want to eat anyway, not even with all the steroids.

By the grace of God, I am still here to write this blog, and I am currently trying to educate myself on transitioning to a plant-based diet. Chemo and radiation is the gift that keeps giving. For any of you that have gone through it, you will understand what I am saying without any explanation. All cancer therapies come with a great risks, some more that others.

When I was diagnosed, my cancer had already metastasized to my nodes. I had a tumor in my axillary region (under my arm) that was larger than most women’s tumor in their breast. The primary tumor in my breast was large. Triple Negative is the second most aggressive breast cancer, only taking a back seat to Inflammatory Breast Cancer.

When I was in chemo, I would talk to the other people next to me and I would always ask what kind of cancer they had. When they would ask me, and I would say Triple Negative, the next words out of their mouth were always, “I am sorry.” That wasn’t a warm feeling.

All the women I was there with that had Triple Negative did not make it. They all passed within the year. So, I feel a bit guilty that I am still here. For some reason, God didn’t think it was my time.

Triple negative is a disease that likes to return quickly and when it does, it is always at Stage IV and in all organs, brain and bones before they find it. I would call that, a point of no return.

The therapies after that are, in my opinion, for the forward movement of science and science only, I am not sure if there is a TNBC Stage IV survivor in this world. I am going to have to do a bit of research. I am sure there might be, but very few.

We hear these stories of curing cancer and beating it back in submission. First of all, you never “cure” cancer. Cancer is living in our bodies all the time. It is just activated into a disease state when our bodies can no longer fight, and keep it under control. Second, I truly believe if I had refused the conventional therapies before me, and attempted a “diet only” approach, I would be dead within six months. When I came out of my fog after the diagnosis, I asked my oncologist, if I didn’t do anything, how much time would I have. He came back with 6 to 8 months.

I believe that there are certain times which we have to intervene with conventional therapies, and then follow with a diet to achieve a successful outcome. I also believe that each human being is different and what might work for one, doesn’t work for all.

You and I have much different meanings of the word “success”, than the doctors. Success to us, is a cure and we get to live and go on with our lives. Success to a doctor, is an extension of life, 3-6 months beyond what the patient would have without the treatment.

There were a lot of things I wish I knew before going into my journey with breast cancer. I had a lot of sleepless night, so I tried to put them to good use. I wrote and self-published this book in case any of you might have recently been diagnosed or you have a loved one that got the news. It is on Amazon and I will put the link below, just click on the book.

Regardless of your lot in life, the nutrition you choose to put in your body, is the key to health.

Welcome to my journey.


Meal planning for quick and easy meals

Meal planning for quick and easy meals is without a doubt one of the most time consuming parts of eating healthier. The only thing worse that this is, the actual meal prep itself. Let’s face it, planning, shopping and then prepping can take an entire day. Who has a whole day to dedicate to this? There is an easier way.

When you plan, you will want quick ideas. For this, you will need to re-think your way of cooking. For me, cooking was more of an art than a necessity. I would spend hours in the kitchen for one dinner, but that was when I cooked the good old southern way. Those days are now gone. I am focused on nutrition now.

What is your why?

You have to ask yourself “what is my why”? This gets you clear as to why, now what is your goal? You have to set an achievable goal. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What is my goal?
  • How can I get the most bang for my buck in the way of nutrients?
  • How can I cook or prepare quick easy and budget friendly meals?

My Goal

First of all, my goal was simple. I needed a diet plan that would support my nutritional goals of eating healthier and losing weight. Some things I needed to forgo were wine, cheese, ice cream and really most dairy altogether.

I was always heavy on the meat and startches, so I needed to add more fruits and vegetables in my mix, and cut the additional salt. Okay, I had my first base covered. I had a specific goal and kept it simple. I have my why and goal covered.

My nutritional needs

I knew that if I incorporated nutritionally dense foods, it would help my body repair itself and provide the nutrients it needed to stay healthy. So, I focused on getting the most bang for my buck. This would provide the much needed nutrition for energy and weight loss. If you need a list of those top nutritional foods, you can find them at the link below:

I also needed to save money on my grocery budget, so I followed the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen rule of buying produce. This will save you money, while forgoing those cancer-causing pesticides. Click the link below for that list:

Quick and easy meals

I knew my cooking style had to change overnight. I needed to let go of my three and four course meals and focus on meal planning for quick and easy meals. This meant incorporating things like smoothies and oatmeal with fresh fruit, during breakfast and lunch, and cooking “one pot meals” or all-in-one meals for dinner. See my post below for one-pot meals:

Success comes down to having a plan and working the plan

I knew planning, shopping and prepping could not be done for me all in one day. I just simply ran out of stem and didn’t prep. I thought, “I will do it tomorrow” and tomorrow never came. Groceries go to waste like this, so a new plan of action had to be born!

I decided I would meal plan my quick meals during the week and would make a full shopping list for each of the two stores. I would also take inventory of my panty, refrigerator and freezer for the foods I needed.

I had my lists for both stores. You might ask, why two stores, why not just one? Well the reason is two-fold. First, our supply chain hasn’t recovered and my stores do not always have the things I need, so I am forced to make a second stop. Second, you always want to look at the ads for cost-savings and add those to your cards so you can take advantage of those extra digital coupon savings.

My Plan

This meant on Thursday, when the ads came out I would research and load everything I need to my digital coupons for money saving ideas. Friday night, I would clean my refrigerator out, and take inventory of anything I might need. I would make my lists for each store. If I had time, I would look to on-line healthy recipes or a book for inspiration. I may not follow the actual recipe but it will give me a guide. I tend to make my meals a bit healthier.

Then, when Saturday/Sunday rolls around, I grab my lists and keys and head out the door. Inventory was already taken from my refrigerator, pantry and freezer and lists are in hand. This keeps me from purchasing unneeded items and spending more money than planned. Let’s face it, groceries have gotten so expensive, we need all the help we can get in this area.

When I get home, I unload, wash and stock things away. Remember, the refrigerator is already clean and ready to go from the night before. I go directly into the prep of washing, cutting and containing, what I need for the days ahead. This would typically give me about 5 days of easy food ready to go for a quick toss. Realistically, I can prep and cook any dinner in 30-45 minutes and this included clean-up.

Now this will take some getting used to. It will take time to perfect your craft, but you can teach an old dog new tricks, so stick with it. You will find quick and easy ways to get healthy and nutritious foods in your body, without spending an entire day cooking.

Being successful at eating healthier is 80% of our getting healthy journey. If you can master this, then you can add walking (or the exercise of your choice), for the last 20%. All of this together is going to equal a healthier and hopefully lighter you.


One-Pot Meals

One-pot meals are quick and easy, but it bucks everything we learned when growing up and cooking a meal. So, how do you get on the train for quick and easy?

First, get a new attitude. You have to be willing to say, “out with the old, and in with the new” and learn how to cook all over again. I promise, once you master this, you will say, “What took me so long?”

Second, you do not need any special equipment to start. I would have on-hand a few things that will make your job a whole lot easier.

Kitchen equipment that will make your job easier

You don’t need a lot to cook these simple one-pot meals. I will say that you will mainly use a few things over and over again. Who knows, you might be able to get rid of the rest of your pots, pans and kitchen gadgets and declutter for more space, once you get your sea legs under you.

The things I would suggest that you have a minimum are:

  • One large knife
  • One paring knife
  • A few assortment of spoons, ladles and a peeler.
  • A grater
  • A cutting board or sheet
  • One large stock pot with lid
  • One smaller stock pot (with straining lid)
  • One or two baking sheets of various sizes
  • One large skillet with lid, one smaller skillet with lid
  • A Ninja high speed blender (or model of your choice)
  • Various sizes in meal prep containers
  • Microwave

I use Blue Diamond non-stick pots and pans and have been very happy with these. There are a wide variety of non-stick pots and pans, just keep in mind that you never want to use anything but bamboo or plastic utensils in these. Also, when cleaning, never used a scrub pad.

If you get adventurous and have extra money, you might try adding:

  • Air fryer
  • Food Processor
  • InstaPot/Crock Pot
  • Outdoor grill

Building a meal is as easy as 1-2-3

Throwing together a one-pot meal is quick and simple. Don’t overthink it.

First, depending on what diet you have decided to help you on your journey, depends on what will go in it for the protein. For example, if you are following a Whole Food Plant Based Diet (Vegan/Vegetarian), then you will want to pick things like beans, lentils, tofu and tempe for your protein blocks.

If you are choosing a Mediterranean Diet or Keto, then you can have lean cuts of chicken, meat and fish. I would limit your red meats to two or three times a week. Red meat has been proven to be inflammatory. If you are cooking organ meats like liver, I would recommend one to two times per week max.

Number 1 –

  • Pick a Protein (meat, beans, lentils, tofu or tempe)
  • Use a bit of broth to add moisture to the skillet. No oil please.
  • Stir Fry your meat until it is done (if you are eating meat).
  • Place your harder veggies in after your meat is done for more cook-time like carrots, onion, garlic and celery.

Number 2 –

  • Add an assortment of fresh/frozen (thawed) vegetables and simmer until done.
  • Season to taste (get creative here). Add a bit more broth if needed.

Number 3 –

Add a starch/complex carb like pasta, rice or potatoes. (These will require pre-cooking in another pot).

If you are wanting some dessert, add some fresh fruit or a snippet of dark chocolate.

There you go, you have your meal in essentially one pot, and clean-up is super quick and easy. Enjoy!

Cooking tip- I always use canned beans to save time. I make sure to try and get them in a Non-BPA can, and always rinse before adding them to my soups/skillets. This removes a great deal of the sodium content and the gas that one might experience.

Put any remaining leftovers in the refrigerator. Just reheat on stove or pop in the microwave, and you have a meal. Not only are you saving money, you are controlling the quality of food, the nutrients going in your body, and the amount of sodium that is contained in your food. All three are major wins for you and your journey!


The biggest nutritional bang for your buck

I will list the highest nutritional yields in each food category. These are the top guns of their categories, the biggest bang for your nutritional buck, if you will. The higher the nutrient richness score, the better it is.


  • Spinach 65
  • Swiss Chard 55
  • Crimini Mushrooms 47
  • Asparagus 43
  • Broccoli 40
  • Romaine Lettuce/Salads 40
  • Collard Greens 38
  • Kale/Mustard Greens 34
  • Tomatoes 34
  • Brussels Sprouts 33
  • Green Beans 33
  • Summer Squash 32
  • Bell Pepper 29
  • Cauliflower 29
  • Celery/Fennel 25
  • Green Peas 24
  • Cabbage 22
  • Carrots 22
  • Winter Squash 20
  • Beets 15
  • Eggplant 15
  • Garlic 15
  • Onions/Leeks 14
  • Sweet Potatoes 13
  • Cucumbers 11
  • Potatoes 8


  • Strawberries 24
  • Raspberries 18
  • Cantaloupe 14
  • Pineapple 12
  • Kiwi 11
  • Oranges 11
  • Papaya 11
  • Watermelon 11
  • Apricots 9
  • Grapefruit 8
  • Grapes/Raisins 8
  • Blueberries 7
  • Cranberries 7
  • Bananas 6
  • Plums/Prunes 6
  • Lemons/Limes 4
  • Apples 3
  • Fig 3
  • Pears 3

Herbs and Spices

  • Parsley 21
  • Mustard Seeds 15
  • Basil 11
  • Turmeric 11
  • Cinnamon 10
  • Cayenne Pepper 8
  • Black Pepper 7
  • Ginger 5
  • Dill 4
  • Cilantro 3
  • Rosemary 3

Whole Grains

  • Oats 12
  • Rye 10
  • Quinoa 7
  • Brown Rice 7
  • Whole Wheat 7
  • Buckwheat 5

Diary and Eggs

  • Eggs 18
  • Low-Fat Milk 17
  • Yogurt 15
  • Low-Fat Cheese 9
  • Goat’s Milk 8

Fish and Shellfish

  • Tuna 24
  • Shrimp 23
  • Salmon 21
  • Cod 21
  • Sardines 20
  • Scallops 14

Poultry and Lean Meat

  • Calf’s Liver 41
  • Grass-Fed Beef 15
  • Venison 14
  • Lamb 12
  • Chicken 11
  • Turkey 11

Nuts and Seeds

  • Sunflower 18
  • Flaxseeds 13
  • Sesame Seeds 12
  • Pumpkin Seeds 11
  • Walnuts 8
  • Almonds 7
  • Peanuts 6
  • Cashews 5

Note on choosing your foods. As you can see from this list, blueberries only score a 7, compared to Strawberries, which score a 24. That does not mean you should never eat blueberries. Blueberries are loaded with cancer-fighting antioxidants. The deeper the color, generally the more the antioxidants. This is a guideline to show you where some of your favorites might fall.

Remember to check out my post below on organic vs conventional for money-saving tips.

When choosing your meals, try to choose from an assortment of these top foods. It is important that you do not fall into the habit of eating the same foods every day. Try to mix it up. This will take planning and prep work on your part but you have to do it if you want to succeed.


Organic vs Conventional Produce

Organic vs conventional produce has always been a very hot topic talking out foods to consume and which are healthier. There is a great deal of speculation on whether organic is worth the extra money. Easy answer, I will say, “Yes”. However, it’s not that easy.

What is Organic

Organic farming, is a strict farming practice that certifies certain standards were maintained when growing and harvesting the produce. That means that certain pesticides and fertilizers are not allowed in the growing or harvesting process of these fruits and vegetables.

You will be able to differentiate organic produce in your groceries isles because the PLU (price lookup code) will follow these standards:

  • 4011 – Conventional Banana
  • 94011 – Organic Banana
  • 84011 – Genetically Engineered or modified Banana

So, the number you want to focus on is the first number of 4, 9 and 8 at the beginning of the code. This denotes the type of produce it is.

What is the Dirty Dozen

Each year,, puts out the top conventional produce that are ladened with pesticides. is a non-profit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to protecting human health and the environment.

You can find the list for 2023 at the below link:

According to EWG, these are the top produce for 2023, that contain the most pesticides, when referring to conventional farming:

  1. Strawberries
  2. Spinach
  3. Kale, Collar and Mustard Greens
  4. Peaches
  5. Pears
  6. Nectarines
  7. Apples
  8. Grapes
  9. Bell & Hot Peppers
  10. Cherries
  11. Blueberries
  12. Green Beans

This year, strawberries take the top seat, and this is not a good thing. That means that when eating these twelve foods, your pesticide load that you are ingesting is the highest if you are picking conventional in any one of the above foods. We all know that the amount of pesticide load we ingest, has a direct correlation with cancer.

Clean Fifteen

Just like the dirty dozen list, also puts out the popular Clean Fifteen. These are the conventional produces that contain the least amount of pesticides and are as follows:

  1. Avocados
  2. Sweet corn
  3. Pineapple
  4. Onions
  5. Papaya
  6. Sweet Peas (frozen)
  7. Asparargus
  8. Honeydew
  9. Kiwi
  10. Cabbage
  11. Mushrooms
  12. Mangoes
  13. Sweet Potatoes
  14. Watermelon
  15. Carrots

You can find the link here:

What does this all mean?

I will say this. If you can afford to purchase organic, please do. However, if you are on a food budget, then the best tactic you can use, is to purchase items on the dirty dozen list, as organic. Then, all others you can go conventional to save money.

It should be noted this list changes yearly, so please go to and refresh your list. For instance, the last few years, blueberries and apples took the top spots on the dirty dozen.

A few noteworthy mentions here. There are a few things that you will always want to purchase organic and they are as follows:

  • Almonds (conventional are treated with eronmous amounts of pesticides around the trees. So when they are harvested, they will get cross-contaminated with pesticides all over them.
  • Brown Rice (Organic) has a great deal of arsenic in it, so you will want to eat this sparingly, and when boiling, do so in large amounts of water and always rinse throughly afterwards before serving. This will lessen the load.
  • Quinoa is much like brown rice. It needs to be soaked prior to cooking. Overnight if you can, and rinse throughly. In 2023, it is said that the United States will have decreased production of this pseudo grain, due to increased fly issues. We will likely be sourcing from other countries.
  • Green Tea has a high pesticide yield, so you will want to purchase only organic. Look for the store brand in organic and it is usually very affordable.

Any of your berries, nuts and grains, the farmers tend to use vast amounts of pesticides to keep the bugs and the birds from ruining the crops. So, keep that in mind when shopping. Always rinse everything! Even that spinach that claims to be “triple washed”.

When trying to gain a healthier lifestyle, all of this helps. I hope you can go with confidence to the store and choose your produce wisely. I keep a screenshot of the dirty dozen on my phone, and refer to it as I am shopping. It helps.


Shopping the perimeter

Shopping outside the perimeter has long been a strategy of many diets. It is said that all the nutritious foods are located on the outer walls around the store. This still holds true to this day.

Where to go

When gathering your food, you will want to mainly be in the produce section, and the frozen food section of any store. There are thing like spices, beans, olive oil, broth and alternative milks that you will have to go into the inner isles for.

You need to be careful to not fall into the old traps of processed foods. Chips, sodas, diary and meat do not need to be a part of your list, unless you are consuming meat and seafood. Even then, only lean cuts and small amounts.

Setting a budget

You need to go to the store with a budget that fits your household income. Only get what you need for half the week. Make it a habit to go to the store twice a week. This will take care of fresh produce.

If you get produce for the entire week, it might go bad before you have an opportunity to use it. That is why it is best to shop by a list and plan your meals in advance.

Comparison shopping

I once did a comparison. I shopped on the outer isles of the store getting fresh produce and meats, and then on the inner isles picking up more processed foods. The fresh was actually less expensive than the processed, and a heck of a lot healthier.

After all, have you seen the prices of food this day and time? Ice cream is almost $10 a half gallon. Eggs are $7 a dozen. Chicken has skyrocketed and sometimes is more expensive than beef. Chips are almost $5 a bag, and the bags have gotten smaller. Canned veggies and beans are $1.25 to $2.50 a can. We are not even going to talk about cleaning supplies, Kleenex or toilet paper. Sodas are almost $5.00 a six pack. It is crazy what the prices of groceries have become in today’s economy. You literally cannot get out of a grocery run for less than $80 and that is walking out with only a handful of bags.

It is going to be a bit of work and organization on your part, but you have to pay attention to the ads and what is on sale at what store. The days of going to one store for all your needs is nearing extinction. To get what you need, takes a trip to two, if not three stores, unless you live in a rural area.

If you can afford to have your food delivered by InstaCart, Amazon or one of the grocery stores, go for it if you think you budget can handle it.

I will say mine cannot. I had my groceries delivered one time and that was during my chemo, when I was so sick, I could barely stand up. You have to pay for the delivery, then tip. It can get costly.

If you don’t like to shop, your best bet is to order you food and have them bring it to your car. The only problem is you get home and need something for dinner that they didn’t have. Supply chain interruptions are still a thing. We have never truly recovered.

Prepare for the week. Make a list and only get what is on your list. This will keep impulse buys to a minimum. The only thing I might deviate from is more fruits and veggies, especially frozen.

I never said going on a diet was going to be easy, but don’t let that discourage you!


Additional tips for your diet

Here are some additional tips when starting your new diet. Just keep in mind that you are on a journey, not in a race. Look at this as you being sick and tired of not helping yourself be the healthiest person you can be, and you are ready to start taking steps in the right direction, to boost your nutritional intake, and hopefully your overall health.

If you haven’t seen my first post on getting ready for your new diet, please check out the below link.

You’re in this for the long-haul

I still think about the tortoise and the hare story. It is true like everything in life, you cannot rush perfection. Your diet will be your “new normal” because it is your new lifestyle change.

Does that mean you aren’t going to find yourself in front of the ice cream bowl one night? Nope, there are no guarantees here. However, only you have the power to get yourself back on track.

You had a moment of a lapse of judgment, so accept it, and get on with it. Note it in your journal and how it made you feel afterwards. Maybe when you are ready to break your diet again, you will go back on read that, and it will give you to power to say, “No way. I am staying the course”.


Please remember to drink plenty of water when starting your new diet. When you go on a healthy diet, your body will start to purge toxins. You will need to assist your body with this by providing it H2O.

If you are still drinking sodas, you are not doing yourself any favors, even if they are diet. Also, energy drinks are a no-no. I allow myself one cup of coffee in the morning. By a cup, I mean 8 oz., not a 26 oz. Yeti to take to work or the gym.

I drink bottled water in non-BPA containers. It is not the best option, but it is a step above my area tap water. It also reduces your barriers to entry, when striving to get your daily water intake.

If you have it cold and ready to go, you are much more likely to grab and go, assisting you in reaching your goal. You can purchase a high-end water like, Fiji. However, they are extremely expensive, but it all depends on your budget. This is your journey.

I will also filter my tap water that goes into cooking. I have a countertop pitcher for this. A Zero or Brita works well.

Remember please recycle any bottles you use. Our planet is like our body, it is the only one we have. When it is gone, it is gone. We don’t get another one.

Try to get moving

Even if it is parking further from the doors, when you go to work, school or the store, try to get those extra steps in.

If you live in a hot area like Texas, or have a health condition and you cannot be outside due to the air quality, when you make your trip to the store, take some extra passes down each isle. If you do this everywhere you go, it will assist in getting more steps in.

Walking helps with a great many things. Remember this saying,

“Motion is Lotion”

Moving only small amounts helps with your stiffness, especially if you have auto immune diseases like fibromyalgia or arthritis (especially in your back). It will also assist in getting those intestines moving.

This is your journey, enjoy it!


Getting ready for your new diet

Before you start a diet, you have to prep your kitchen. Getting ready for you new diet, is like bringing a baby home from the hospital or adopting a new puppy for the first time. You cannot just show up unprepared or you will fail!

Prepping your space

You will need to start with the refrigerator and clean it out. While you’re at it, take a look at all the “best by” dates on the condiments you have. Throw any out that have expired. Next up is the cabinets, pantry and freezer. Do the same here, while organizing your food into general categories. For instance, all canned beans together, tomatoes, cereals, pasta, broths and so on. This will allow you to glance at your stock and know what you need to add to the list for any groceries in just seconds. You want to take all the “work” out of this, so keep it simple!

Gathering quick meal ideas

You want to sit down with a recipe book, or go online for some ideas for simple quick, easy and nutritious meals. Remember, your main goal is twofold, make it lower fat and highly nutritious compared to your current diet. You will want to choose websites that you know will work with which ever diet you choose. If you find a recipe you think you might like, you can sub ingredients to make it allowable.

Some of my favorite resources for food ideas you can find at:


After you clean out your kitchen and make a list, check it twice before you head to the store. I always try and keep low-sodium vegetable broth, a variety of canned beans (saves time but always rinse before using), canned diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, pasta, alternative milks (I use organic soy and organic almond milks), spices, oats, potatoes and rice on hand. These make great building blocks for your meals.

Fruits and Vegetables

Decide what fruits and vegetables you will buy fresh, and which ones you will buy frozen. I find that when buying fresh fruits, my intentions are good but, I do not always get to them before they go bad. This can be a waste of money.

I am going to suggest purchasing frozen blueberries, strawberries and fruits for your smoothies. That way, they do not go bad if you can’t get to your smoothies.

Then, you can use fresh blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and bananas for your oatmeal. I prefer frozen over canned. My only exceptions to this are beans and tomatoes. If you have freezer space, this is where you can really get the most bang for your buck, so go for it!

Frozen veggies make stir-fry and soups very quick and easy. Try to shop these when they are on sale. If you are a member of CostCo or Sam’s, they have some good options, however, I find some of the grocery stores beat their pricing in smaller quantities, when the stores have a sale. So pay attention!

I purchase my onions, potatoes, apples, cucumbers, spinach, kale, bell peppers, squash, cabbage and others as fresh. Then I will get things like broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus and corn as frozen. This is something you will learn as time goes by, and you can adjust to what suits your needs. Your goal here is to utilize what you buy, so you don’t waste it.

Your first trip to the grocery store

Take your list of your needed items and lets head to the store. Your first trip to the store when starting a new diet, can be a bit costly. One option is to go ahead and use what you have in your pantry, until it is gone. Even though this might not be allowable on your diet, it will keep you from wasting food. Then replace it with healthier options as needed.

Doing this will help with some of the initial cost outlay. If you do decide to purge everything unrelated to your new diet overnight, please do not throw it away! Take what you do not want to a local food bank or church. There are people living in our country that battle food scarcity every day.

Learn to read a nutrition label

With any food, but especially condiments, you will need to learn to read the labels! I want each and every one of you to learn to read a nutrition label. By law, a manufacturer must place a label on each packaged item. Do not rely on the marketing on the front of a product to tell you its healthy, because we all know that companies never lie to sell products. Right?

Learn to read the ingredients on each label and Google each one you don’t know. You will find this eye-opening as to what is in that can or box you are about to consume. The less ingredients, the healthier it probably is. Try and stay away from a list of ingredients that fills the entire label or things high in hydrogenated oils, food colorings, natural flavors and things you just cannot pronounce.

The only oil you really want to consume is avocado and olive oil and even then, only in small quantities. You have to remember, oil is a very calorically dense food, that is high in fat. You need to look for “expeller” or “first cold pressed” on your olive oil. Remember, just because it is expensive, doesn’t make it good for you!


Spices are were you are going to make up in flavor, what you cannot have in fat. So, the sky’s the limit. If you cannot purchase a lot of spices at once, just buy one or two spices each month or as your budget will allow. You can also look for sales. I know that both Kroger and Tom Thumb will put a “buy two get one free” on many of their spices. Even though you might not need a spice, always make it a habit to check the isle for sales, especially on those you use a great deal.


I always keep some organic ground flaxseed, chia seed, oatmeal, and a few nuts (sunflower, sesame, pumpkin and walnuts), and a nut nutbutter on hand. Use nuts sparingly as they are a high-fat food as well. I sometimes use the ground flax for as my breadcrumbs for recipes in the air fryer. It is a healthier option and provides a good source of Omega 3. I keep olive oil, avocado oil, and balsamic vinegar always.

You should now have a good base for your meals. Some other incidentals like tortillas, pita bread or small pizzas, might extend your options as well. Once you get all this in and put away, you are ready to go.

Starting your diet

My suggestion to you is start slow. Pick a day where you are not so stressed and you have the time to dedicate to your diet. I like Saturdays. Start making just one of your meals healthier, such as breakfast. Do this for a week, then the following week add another meal, such as lunch or a snack. Continue this until you are now hitting a healthier choice with each meal and snack. It can take you a full month to transition, or you can choose to do it all overnight and go cold turkey.

Just keep in mind that some foods can be as addictive as drugs. Think I am lying? Cut out all caffeine or sugar overnight! What you will be experiencing is a little thing called withdrawal! Symptoms of withdrawal could be headache, nausea, sweating, trimmers and an over feeling of malaise. Remember, this is your journey, and your destiny. You are in control.

Good luck and may the force be with you!


Information is key to success

When starting a journey like this, information is key to success. Think of information as your armor, as you are heading off to battle. The more you know, the more prepared and hopefully successful you might be. I use a book called, the world’s healthiest foods, by George Mateljan.

I purchased this book in 1995, and it is still my go to today. It is the most comprehensive nutrition book I have ever seen. I will put a picture of the book below. There are other versions, but I have the oldest version and it has served me well, and continues to serve me well to this day. This book is pricey at about $70 on Amazon, so if you do not have the money, do not worry. If you have access to the internet, then you can search for information on the web. You will just have to navigate a bit more.

the world's healthiest foods

In this book you will find a plethora of information at your fingertips. I cannot say enough about this book. I call it my food bible. This book is packed with information and also recipes. It tells you how to choose, prep and store all the food. It also gives you all the nutritional information from nutritional density, micros and macros. The keys to any success are knowledge, determination and hard work.

Honorable Mentions

In my personal journey, I will be choosing more of a Whole Food Plant Based diet. Some of my go to sites are the following:

Anything with Neal Barnard, MD on YouTube.

Exam Room Podcast with Chuck Carroll (YouTube) here is a sample:

Physican’s Committee

I consume a lot of YouTube content on health.

If you are leaning more towards Keto, then Thomas DeLauer, has a good channel. Especially check out his Mediterranean Keto Diet for beginners:

With technology like YouTube and podcasts available at our fingertips, there is a great deal of helpful information out there. You don’t have to dedicate time to watch or listen, just put it on while you prep or cook your meal. You can download a podcast and listen as you go for your walk. You don’t have to stare at a screen to get the information.

You are getting close to starting your journey!


How to start a diet

If you have ever gone on a diet before, you know that the thought of your favorite foods being striped from your list of “allowed” foods and calorie restrictions is daunting. How about counting calories? It all sounds so dreadful!

The one thing is for certain, a healthier diet involves a great deal of thought and prepping to be successful. That is until now. I am going to show you how to start your diet, so you will be in a better position for success.

This will be like no other diet you have known before. We are going to ease into this with a few basic steps. For those of you that want to go all in, go for it! Just know that you have a greater risk of deviating from the diet. The key is to be the tortoise, not the hare.

I am hoping all of you, choose to make this a more permanent way of life, than a mere diet to lose a few pounds. To change your level of health, you must commit to a permanent approach. However, when I say “diet”, I really mean “lifestyle change”, so these words will be interchangeable in my blog. The only diet that I would not suggest as a long-term plan is The Keto Diet. Even the hardcore Keto gurus, cycle in and out of their carb restriction times. We still do not know the long-term effects this diet might have on your health.

Steps to start your diet

  1. Sit down with a journal and write down your “why”. As in, why are you going on a diet? Is it to lose weight, get healthier or control your blood pressure? Maybe you have heart disease or you are a pre-diabetic.
  2. Pick your diet plan. Is it going to be The Mediterranean or a WFPB Diet? Maybe there is another diet you wish to try that was not mentioned here. Again, we are looking for a lifestyle change that can be permenant and not just a diet. So, Keto is not going to be among the ones I would pick. If you do, you need to be under a doctor’s supervision. Also, if you are going to pick Keto, make sure that you make it a “Clean Keto”, which means your meats are lean and not full of sodium and fat.
  3. Learn the rules of your new diet. What foods are allowed and what foods must you avoid. Learn any specifics of the diet as well. Maybe your diet allows certain foods, but not in the first 90-days, which is what I will be asking of you here. So, your things like alcohol, high-fat items, and highly processed foods, that might send you and your cravings through the nearest drive-thru, are not going to be allowed in your first 90-days.
  4. Make sure you visit your health provider and get the green light for your plan along with any baseline labs.

Gathering Information

So, we have journaled our why, picked our diet and have a bit of knowledge what foods will be allowed. Our healthcare provider has given us the green light. Now if you would like, you can take a few selfies, write down your starting measurements and weight. This gives you a starting point. This will all be kept in your journal.

I would get a journaling notebook, for your health journey. You will want to write down your ideas, thoughts, meal plans and weekly weight, exercise and other information. You can keep a picture of you at your best weight, inside for inspiration or put it up on the refrigerator. Visuals have been proven to assist in reaching goals and are important.

If you do not have a picture, write down your target weight and the length of time you are giving yourself to reach your goal. Put it on the refrigerator. I am going to caution you to be realistic. You are not going to be able to lose 60 pounds in two months. That is extreme and not safe. Also, women tend to lose weight slower than men, so keep this in mind.

We are almost ready to begin.


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