It's Time To Take Back Your Life

Tag: weightless

New Study From Stanford University – Vegan vs Omnivore Diet in Identical Twins

According to, there was a groundbreaking randomized clinical trial, that Stanford University just completed. The findings were published in JAMA Network Open on November 30, 2023.

Research Scientists took 22 pair of adult healthy identical twins (which inherently possess the same DNA) and put one on a vegan diet (plant-based only), and one on an omnivore diet ( a diet that included meat, eggs, dairy and fish) for 12-weeks.

You can find the article in the link below-


The outcomes were such, that the study was picked up by Netflix, and a docu-series will be airing covering this groundbreaking research on January 1, 2024, called, You Are What You Eat, A Twin Experiment Here, and the trailer can be found at the following link, You Are What You Eat Trailer

According to Forks Over Knives (FOK),

“With the help of identical twins, a team of researchers at Stanford Medicine have uncovered some of the most compelling evidence yet that a vegan diet can significantly improve heart health in as little as two months.”

For the study, they took baseline blood tests and recorded their initial weight of each participant. Researchers then placed one twin on a vegan diet, while the other ate a diet that included meats, eggs, dairy and fish. At the halfway mark, they again took more blood and body weight. They switched the participants. So, those that the one on the vegan diet, was now on the omnivore diet and vice versa. At the end of the trial period, more blood and body weights were taken from each participant.

“The researchers ensured that both diets were as healthful as possible, with both the vegan and omnivore diets containing ample vegetables, beans, fruits, and whole grains and minimal sugar and refined starches. The omnivorous diet additionally included chicken, fish, eggs, cheese, and dairy. For the first four weeks, breakfasts, lunches, and dinners were provided via a meal-delivery service seven days a week for all participants. For the final eight weeks of the study, they prepared their own meals.”


The findings suggested that a healthy plant-based diet offers a significant protective cardio metabolic advantage compared with a healthy omnivorous diet.”

Specifically, the researchers found, “that, at the halfway point, the twins eating vegan had already seen significant improvements in their cardiometabolic health, with lower LDL cholesterol, insulin, and body weight. By the completion of the study, the vegan group had reduced their LDL by around 14% and their fasting insulin levels by 20%. They’d also lost, on average, 4.2 pounds more than the omnivorous group.”

This is definitely food for thought as we head into the new year!


How to make a New Year’s Resolution-

What is your New Year’s Resolution?

With the holiday’s almost behind us, and large quantities of food and beverage consumed, everyone is thinking about those pending New Year’s Resolutions. After all, they are just around the corner.

How do you even make a resolution and set yourself up for success? Well, here are a few tips and tricks to get you started.

First, you must find a quiet moment and sit down with a piece of paper and pen. Take a serious inventory of your life in the areas areas that are important to you (feel free to add other areas if you wish).

  • Work
  • Finances
  • Spiritual
  • Health
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Relationship

Next, in each of those areas, and list how happy you are on a scale from 1 to 10 (with 1 being the least happy and 10 being the most happy). Look at your numbers. Are the results where you want them to be, or is there room for improvement? Be honest, this is the only way it will work!

Then take a look at those that are low scoring or which areas might be most pressing for you. Maybe your health is catapulted to # 1 because you just had a heart attack, or diagnosis of cancer. Maybe your marriage is heading for divorce. Next, ask yourself what are three to five things you can do to help you reach your goals for the end of the year. Write those down under each category. Remember, this is your inventory not others in your life.

Also, you need to write down realistic goals for each category you choose. Please do not say that you want to loose 100 pounds in six months. While that is a lofty goal and something you might want to achieve, is that really healthy? Keep this simple.

Keep in mind what you want the end result to be. Maybe you want to loss thirty pounds, or reduce your debt by $5,000 dollars. Maybe you would like to find a relationship, or say goodbye to one that is not working. How about doing nightly readings on scripture or watching motivational channels on YouTube? How about vowing to increase your exercise by 4 times a week for just 30 minutes. These are all small changes that can greatly impact your goals in the right direction over the course of the next 12 months, and have a positive effect on your outlook on life, as well as your mood.

Getting buy in

Now that you have your category list and three to five things in each category to help you reach your goals, you need buy in from friends and family. This is where you have those frank conversations, and ask for a little support.

Maybe it’s telling your friends or coworkers, that on your girl’s night out, you will be abstaining from alcohol. Instead of ordering that glass of wine or margarita, you can choose to replace it with a virgin margarita, virgin Bloody Mary, or even water. They need to support you and not give you grief. If it becomes a big issue time and again, maybe you need to take a step back from that friend(s) or family member for a while.

Remember, this is your life and you are choosing to improve it, by making these small changes, you are helping redirect the outcome. If they cannot support your goals, well then, I think you have your answer. You don’t need to be around toxic people when you are trying to inject positive changes in your life.

Blocking time for your resolutions

It is important that you look at your schedule and add small blocks of time during the week for the things you need to do (say 15-30 mins). This will help you keep on track. If you want to get four walks in a week, then add those thirty minute blocks to your schedule and try to stick to them. Understand that life happens, and we all get off track. The important thing is that we don’t stay there. The next day, get back on that horse!

Small blocks work best, say under 30 minutes. If you try and block hours at a time, you most likely will not do well at achieving your goals. After all, we all have responsibilities, but make sure you are making a bit of time for you and those things that are important to you.

Some things you can do to increase the joy in your life

  • Journaling
  • Gardening
  • Woodworking
  • Reading
  • Meditation
  • Walking
  • Biking
  • Swimming
  • Prepping meals/cooking
  • Writing
  • Listening to music
  • Playing an instrument
  • Playing with your pet or children
  • Church
  • Volunteering
  • Learning a new language/software program or instrument
  • Birdwatching
  • Hiking
  • Take a relaxing bath and practice some deep breathing
  • Yoga

The list is endless. We are all unique and have different thing we like to do, but keep in mind your goals, and make sure you are moving in the direction of those goals.

Happy New Year and may all your goals be achieved!
